DIRECTV customer Reviews

The information in the table below represents an industry comparison of businesses which are of the same relative size. This is based on BBB's database of businesses located in the Counties of Los Angeles, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito. Businesses may engage in more than one type of business. The percent of time the business engages in a type of business is not accounted for. There is no known industry standard for the number of complaints a business can expect. The volume of business and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by BBB.
*DirecTV, Inc. is in this range.
Types of Complaints Handled by BBB
BBB handles the following types of complaints between businesses and their customers so long as they are not, or have not been, litigated:
- Advertising or Sales
- Billing or Collection
- Problems with Products or Services
- Delivery
- Guarantee or Warranty
We do not handle workplace disputes, discrimination claims or claims about the quality of health or legal services.
Additional Phone Numbers
- (888) 355-7530
- (888) 388-6622
BBB Complaint Process
Your complaint will be forwarded to the company within two business days. The company will be asked to respond within 14 days, and if a response is not received, a second request will be made. You will be notified of the company's response when we receive it (or notified that we received no response). Complaints are usually closed within 30 business days.
What is BBB Advertising Review?
BBB promotes truth in advertising by contacting advertisers whose claims conflict with the BBB Code of Advertising. These claims come to our attention from our internal review of advertising, consumer complaints and competitor challenges. BBB asks advertisers to prove their claims, change ads to make offers more clear to consumers, and remove misleading or deceptive statements.
What government actions does BBB report on?
BBB reports on known government actions that are relevant to the business's marketplace dealings with the public.
About BBB Business Review Content and Services
Some Better Business Bureaus offer additional content and services in BBB Business Reviews. The additional content and services are typically regional in nature or, in some cases, a new product or service that is being tested prior to a more general release. Not all enhanced content and services are available at all Better Business Bureaus.
March 11, 2015: The Federal Trade Commission has charged DIRECTV, the country's largest provider of satellite television services, with allegedly deceptively advertising a discounted 12-month programming package because it fails to clearly disclose that the package requires a two-year contract. In addition, DIRECTV does not clearly disclose that the cost of the package will increase by up to $45 more per month in the second year, and that early cancellation fees of up to $480 apply if consumers cancel the package before the end of the two-year period.
DIRECTV also fails to disclose that its offer of free premium channels for three months is in fact a negative option continuity plan that requires consumers to proactively cancel to avoid automatic charges on their credit or debit cards, the FTC alleges.
DIRECTV is a national provider of direct-to-home satellite television services, based in El Segundo, California. With more than 20 million subscribers across the United States, the company is the largest provider of such multi-channel video programming distribution in the nation. The company offers its services to consumers through subscriptions, and typically requires users to agree to a 24-month contract that includes a programming package, satellite dish, other necessary equipment, and installation and support services.
According to the FTC's complaint, in many instances since 2007, DIRECTV has violated the FTC Act by making allegedly deceptive claims or omissions of material facts in advertisements and on its website for its satellite television subscription service. Specifically, the FTC charges that:
DIRECTV promotes its television service and programming package prices "for 12 months, " without clearly and prominently disclosing that these deals require consumers to sign a two-year contract (with a substantial early cancellation fee) and that the cost of the programming packages jumps $25 to $45 a month in the second year of the contract; and
DIRECTV represents that consumers will receive premium channels, such as HBO and Showtime, "free for 3 months, " without adequately disclosing that: 1) consumers will be enrolled in a negative option continuity plan that charges for the premium channels after the trial period; 2) consumers must contact DIRECTV to cancel the plan before the trial period ends to avoid incurring the charges; 3) DIRECTV will use consumers' credit or debit card information to charge them after the trial period ends; and 4) there are specific costs associated with the negative option continuity plan.
In addition to the agency's charges that DIRECTV violated the FTC Act, the FTC also alleges the company violated the Restore Online Shoppers' Confidence Act (ROSCA) by failing to clearly and conspicuously disclose on its website all of the material terms of offers with a negative option component.
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