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Valid with DHA24 Standard agreement. Standard Professional Installation includes typical installation of one single-dish antenna configuration, typical hook-up of eligible receiver configuration to up to 6 TVs and equipment testing. More complex installations may require additional fees; other installation restrictions apply.
Valid with DHA24 Standard agreement.
First Hopper HD DVR and up to 3 Joey receivers available for one-time $199 Upgrade fee. $199 Upgrade fee waived at time of service activation with subscription to America’s Top 120 and above or DishLATINO Plus and above. A second Hopper HD DVR is available for a one-time Upgrade fee: $49 for a Hopper, $99 for a Hopper with Sling. With a second Hopper HD DVR, one additional Joey receiver is available for $99 Upgrade fee. Monthly fees: Hopper, $15; Joey, $7; Super Joey, $10; second Hopper, $15. Hopper and Joey receivers require an eligible HD package and cannot be combined with any other receiver models or types. PrimeTime Anytime and AutoHop features must be enabled by customer and are subject to availability. With PrimeTime Anytime record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus additional channels. With addition of Super Joey record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus two additional channels. AutoHop feature is available at varying times, starting the day after airing, for select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording capacity varies; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers as of 12/01/14. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an Internet-connected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. Availability of On Demand titles will be based on your programming subscription. Select DVR recordings cannot be transferred.
Requires qualifying programming and continuous enrollment in eAutoPay with Paperless Billing. Additional $10/mo. HD fee is waived for life of current account. Offer is limited to channels associated with selected programming package. Qualifying programming packages are America’s Top 120 and above, DishLATINO Plus and above. You may forfeit free HD in the case of service disconnection.
Receive the Protection Plan free for the first 6 months. Offer value $48. After 6 months, then-current price will apply unless you elect to downgrade. Change of Service fee will apply if you cancel the Protection Plan during the first 6 months.
Portable RV Satellite Dish Antenna Kit Carry Out Tailgating MP1 Compact Durable Case Hard Plastic Satellite Antenna Digital Antenna Folding DSS DBS Digital Signal, Light Weight Camping / Tail Gating Unit Speakers (DIRECTV)
Winegard Pathway(Tm) X1 Ultra-Compact Automatic Portable Satellite Tv Antenna With Dish(R) Vip(Tm) 211Z Receiver (Black) "Product Category: Indoor Antennas/Hdtv Antennas" Speakers (Winegard)