Internet TV or satellite TV

Modern terrestrial TV broadcasting no longer suits people: someone has few programs, someone is dissatisfied with censorship, others want to be the first to see all premieres or watch sports competitions in a live broadcast. For various reasons, people come to the same conclusion – it is necessary to install satellite TV or watch TV via the Internet. Also, thanks to a good Internet, you can easily monitor the ketqua, xo so.
Internet TV is cheaper when compared with paid satellite TV packages and provides unlimited viewing time. Satellite TV also provides a wide range of channels, both paid and free. But unlike the Internet, you can receive a TV signal completely free of charge via satellite. Thus, the possibilities of the «new» television are noticeably wider than the standard state set of traditional channels, which differ neither in diversity, nor in high quality, nor in interactive capabilities.
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay