DirecTV provider

Enjoy HD DVR service
in every room, with
just one HD DVR.
Genie®, only from DIRECTV, serves your entire home, so you can now enjoy full HD DVR service on every TV, with just one HD DVR. Genie® also eliminates recording conflicts by letting you record any 5 shows at the same time, all in HD. With more HD recording capacity than cable, Genie has more than enough room for all your favorite shows. With an HD DVR this advanced, your every TV wish is granted^.
View All PackagesDIRECTV is the undisputed
leader in sports.
way you can see every NFL game every Sunday2.
Plus we offer MLB EXTRA INNINGS®, the most PGA
golf coverage, the most USTA tennis coverage,
the most soccer... the list goes on. When it comes to
sports, DIRECTV is the undisputed leader.
Watch your favorite movies
and shows anywhere—
on your laptop, tablet,
or cell phone.
With DIRECTV, the entertainment you want is anywhere
you want it to be. Now you can watch your favorite
movie shows wherever you are, on your laptop, tablet or