For those of you considering choosing between DirecTV and Dish for TV programming at home or the office, it is no longer a matter of looking at the channels and pricing. Several other aspects have come into play over the past few years, thanks to both providers having upped service features and equipment. It has become the norm that people in a household will watch TV on their portable devices as well as on the living room TV.
is called DirecTV Everywhere, and Dish’s is called Dish Anywhere. Each has its own pros and cons, which we will be looking at here based on technical capabilities and content.
Technical Capabilities
Both services have apps that allow streaming programs and content to your mobile device, and are compatible with iOS, Android, and Kindle tablets and smartphones. This means the option to watch TV on a laptop or desktop by visiting the content website. For each, you need an internet connection for Live content viewing, which can be a satellite internet connection.
Dish subscribers would need to get the whole-home HD DVR box which the service offers – Hopper – in order to be able to use Dish Anywhere. DirecTV users don’t have this requirement.
Every DirecTV subscriber gets the option for up to five simultaneous users watching content online, or through the apps. Dish, meanwhile, allows 16 simultaneous viewings online, with Dish Anywhere letting mobile users watch content while on the go, but again, the sub must have Hopper 3 installed for this. It is important to note that these apps and browser sites will only be for viewing and playback, and no recording is possible on your computer, console or mobile device the same way as with DirecTV’s Genie.
The apps will also be able to remotely record and schedule recordings for upcoming shows on the DVRs. With Dish Anywhere, you can ‘sling’ content while you are watching it on a device, so that it can also be seen on a Dish-enabled TV.
Content Available
Each company’s programming has the same content available for viewing on the satellite setup as well as online, or through mobile apps. That means, all normal channel packages and extra channels including sports, premium, adult, international, and local. Content that gets stored on your Genie or Hopper DVR can be gotten at through a mobile device if you have an internet connection to those DVRs.
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