DishNET High speed Internet

While residents in New York and the surrounding areas recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many have found that even if they have electrical power, they’re Internet service had been severely degraded.
DISH’s new high-speed Internet by Satellite service, dishNETTM, proved itself as a reliable service in this time of disaster over wireline and wireless Internet providers. We provided dishNET service to small business owner and technology consultant Rick Doherty of Envisioneering, who had his wireline broadband service knocked out. Rick and his family lives in Seaford, New York, and had this to say about dishNET:
“As terrestrial broadband was strained, DISH’s satellite Internet was a reliable resource we could count on to provide news and information. Tablets and phones from wireless carriers had been useless for anything much larger than instant messages and short emails for nearly a week. Yet, dishNET service was unfailing amidst the devastation around us and allowed us to continue working as usual.”
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DISH Solo HD Receiver (ViP 211z) CE (Pace International)
TNP Coaxial Cable (15 Feet) with F Connectors F-Type Pin Plug Socket Male Twist-On Adapter Jack with Shielded RG59 RG-59/U Coax Patch Cable Wire Cord Black Speakers (TNP Products)